Handy Hints and Fun Facts: Things I’ve Learned as a Freelancer

When I began freelancing, I hoped to make some extra money to help fill the financial gap caused by the school’s reducing my position from full-time to one day a week. That goal hasn’t changed.

However, in the course of doing background research for articles requested by clients and those I’ve written in the hopes someone will purchase them, I’ve learned many interesting facts. Here are some that are, in my humble opinion, the most fascinating tidbits uncovered along the way.

Chickpeas might be nature’s perfect food. High in fiber, antioxidants, vital vitamins and minerals, they are proven warriors in the fight again diabetes, heart disease, digestive ailments, weight problems, toxicity from nitrites in processed meats and wine, and so much more.

Some land turtle shells can carry 200 times their weight. In one encounter with an alligator, the big reptile gave up after 15 minutes and went to look for an easier meal.

Flying fish can sail through the air for twenty feet at speeds of forty miles an hour.

Reading improves creativity and decision-making ability and enhances memory, according to numerous studies. In addition, turning off the TV and the computer and curling up with a good book is an ideal way to stave off bedtime sleeplessness. But you probably already know that.

If you use a slow cooker, toaster oven, or microwave, you cut CO2 emissions to a small fraction of that given off by the big oven.

A laptop uses 1/4 of the electricity of a personal computer. Be sure to turn it off when you’re finished for the day.

Even your flooring can be green. Linoleum is made of all natural ingredients and lead- and cadmium-free pigments. (If green doesn’t match your decor, it’s available in many colors and patterns.)

The first commercial flight took off from St. Petersburg, Florida, and flew across the bay to Tampa and returned. The round trip took an hour and a half. Since a train needed 4-12 hours and a car required 20 hours to travel around the bay, it was a big time-saver.

If you want to shed some pounds or get in shape, go to the zoo. As you stroll and look at the critters, you’re walking off that extra weight and using those muscles. Even leisurely, start-and-stop walking does the job.

Next time conversation lags at the dinner table or a gathering of friends, try one of these tidbits.

Now it’s time for me to go back to my first joy: reading an enticing book.